

  • FFmpeg. Specifically, ffmpeg and ffprobe are required. See the official download page for installation options. On OS X, it is recommended that you use Homebrew:

    brew install ffmpeg

    Be sure to review the list of options in brew info ffmpeg. storyboard should not depend on any of those options to function, but FFmpeg is a great tool in its own right (several orders of magnitude greater than storyboard), so you might want to link against optional dependencies for a better FFmpeg experience.

    Note that Libav is not and will not be supported, since avconv and especially avprobe are crippled. Ubuntu and Debian users — blame your narrow-minded maintainers (see The FFmpeg/Libav situation). Fortunately, FFmpeg has made its comeback to Ubuntu’s official repositories in 15.04 vivid, after several years of unfair treatment.

  • Pillow. Wheel distributions of Pillow are provided for OS X and Windows on PyPI, so it is usually enough to do:

    pip install Pillow

    Pillow is listed as a requirement of storyboard in so you don’t need to run this manually.

    On other platforms you have to satisfy the external dependencies of Pillow, especially libjpeg and libfreetype. See the official installation guide for details.


End users should install via pip, and developers should use git instead.

Using pip

pip install storyboard

To install a pre-release or development version, run:

pip install --pre storyboard

Using git

If you want to be involved in the development (much appreciated), or test the package on your platform, you need to clone the repo from GitHub:

git clone --recurse-submodules

There are some additional Python dependencies for testing and building the documentations, which are listed in tests/requirements.txt and docs/requirements.txt. virtualenv is highly recommended (since the doc building environment is rather picky about versions — blame NumPy on this). Therefore, to fully setup the development and build environment, one would do

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt -r tests/requirements.txt -r docs/requirements.txt -e .

Testing and doc building instructions are available in tests/ and docs/, respectively.